Monday, July 15, 2013


The Internet lady likes me. I say in her house for close to four hours today reading blogs and updating my Internet life.

When the hour of comida came she asked me if I wanted some food. She gave me lunch, gave me Internet, and let me just sit in her house all afternoon and reconnect in a silent English environment.

Being as I'm PCDR she is likely to become one of my favorites. I'll be at her place con fercuencia. We are more connected than the traditional PC volunteer. My inbox was full of PC emails I hadn't read. I foresee passing the days at her place having or waiting for Internet.

Also, those of you with iPhones, get Viber. I've gone through a trial period, using it to call my mom and sister and even a cousin and the connection is pretty great as long as you aren't in a basement of a hospital (Gabby) or something.

Also, why didn't I bring my pink pants to this country? They would have been perfect. I may ask my first visitor to get them and bring them. Please? I (almost) know exactly where they are.

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